Umida Group AB’s VAT number is SE556740507001. Umida Group was registered in 2007 and has its office in Åhus, Sweden. Umida is a
company which regulates under the Swedish Aktiebolagslagen.
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Financial Information
Umida Group AB (publ) is listed on the AktieTorget stock exchange. The trading
name is UMIDA B and the company’s share has the ISIN code SE0009190788.
Umida’s intentions are at all times inform the shareholders about the company’s
development. Umida shall both deliver economic reports and give information,
in accordance with the requirements of AktieTorget , to fulfil the expectations on
joint stock company (all reports are in Swedish language).
The current share price, financial information and announcements can be found
through AktieTorget webpage: